MBA admission in BIM

Bharthidasan Institute of Management (BIM)
P.B. No. 12., MHD Campus, BHEl Complex, Tiruchirappalli - 620014, Tamilnadu (India)

BIM-MBA Admission 2009

Tow-year full time residential MBA Programme in Tiruchirappalli with specialisation offered in Marketing, Finance, Operations, Systems and Human Resource Management

Eligibility : Bachelor's or Post Graduate degree or its equivalent in any discipline with minimum of 50% marks. Final year degree students may also apply, subject to completion of the degree requirements with minimum 50% marks by July 2009.

CAT 2008 scores are used for short listing candidates who apply admission to BIM. All applicatns to BIM should take CAT-2008.

How to Apply :
  1. Prospectus and Application forms can be obtained by sending a DD of Rs.1400/- (SC/ST Rs.920/-) alongwith two self-addressed slips by regular mail to BIM address.
  2. By online registration at with an option to pay either by DD or by Credit Carrd. For Credit Card payment, an amount of Rs.1520/- should be paid instead of Rs.1400/- (for SC/ST pay Rs.1000/- instead of Rs.920/-)
  3. DD should be drawn in favour of Bharthidasan Institute of Management payable at Tiruchiraapplli.
  4. Application forms can also be obtained from IMS Study Centres.

Important Dates :

  1. Commencement of BIM's Online Registration : 01/09/2008
  2. Commencement of issue of application forms : 01/09/2009
  3. Date of CAT Test : 16/11/2008
Fore more details visit website

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